Connect Power BI to a SharePoint Online site.
Hello from BI Consulting Services! We are starting a new video lineup. Power BI reports in under 30 minutes. Each video we will discuss a new topic and then we will build out a report around that topic. We know how important it is to have a tool that allows for you to visualize your data in a quick and meaningful way. Take a few moments and check out this video where I describe how you can connect your data to SharePoint files and build out a report for your team to leverage all in under 30 minutes. Want a video specific to a topic that interests you? Then drop me a line via the Contact Us section and let us know what you would like to learn more about.
We hope you enjoy this video and would love to get your feedback. Ready to begin your Power BI deployment or know someone else who is interested? Look no further, we are happy to help.
Contact Information:
BI Consulting Services